Not all love stories have happy endings. Many couples face struggles they cannot overcome and they find divorce to be the only suitable solution. The interesting fact is that in most cases women initiate marriage termination more often than men. The US divorce registry proves that three-fourths of all divorce applications were filed by females. Meanwhile, UK statistics claim that around 60% of marriage termination cases are commenced by women.
Check out the historical, social, and other causes that create similar tendencies and analyze your relationships to prevent any troubles successfully.
Marital Burden
Those who claim that women are more prone to getting a marriage termination due to a divorce line in the female hand don’t want to look at the core of the problem. Although women have gained more rights and are equalized with men these days, the internal situation in families remains conservative frequently. In most cases, men are the main breadwinners while women have no choice but stay at home and look after the household and children. This creates a serious halt to women’s career perspectives. Even when a wife is career-oriented and works as much as her husband, she will still have more household and childcare duties than her husband.
This all turns marriage into a burden and holds a woman back on her self-development route. Several decades earlier a woman will be satisfied with a similar state of matters and live on in marriage. But these days having more options and freedom at hand, it is easier to get a cheap divorce online and move on to a better life without a burdening husband.
Lack of Support
There are many reasons why people get divorced. But when it comes to women wanting a divorce often, the main cause behind it all is a lack of support from the side of their spouses.
Again, when men are rocketing their careers, there are always caring women beside them. So that the men are fed, loved, supported, and their homes and kids are in perfect order. In the same situation, when women are heading high professionally, there is a low possibility that their partners will support and encourage them in the same way. Instead, the statistics say that when a wife earns as much or even more than her husband, divorce is inevitable in most cases. Men cannot put up with the fact that women may build successful careers.
So, all that is left to a soon-to-be-divorced woman is what child-related costs are split in a divorce and how to manage the household on her own so that she can pursue her career further. But this option will still be better than struggling to develop in an unhappy marriage.
Too Many Emotional Responsibilities
Men are known for lacking the skills to handle emotional tension and feelings-related issues. This may create a situation in marital life that leads to the end of it. But still, it will be a woman who initiates divorce.
The explanation is clear; the husband cannot deal with any emotional challenge in marriage so he handles it for his wife to cope with. Whether a husband is struggling with stress at work, kids are going through teenage issues, relatives are nagging with some routine issues, or a wife is overwhelmed with all the mentioned troubles and has her own concerns to manage as well.
As a result, many women view marriage as too much of an emotional challenge and look for a partner they will feel more comfortable with or decide to stay single.
No Tolerance
Another reason why women file for divorce more than men is that they choose not to tolerate the inappropriate behavior of their husbands anymore. If several decades ago wife had no other option but to put up with her spouse’s infidelity, domestic violence, personal bad habits, and more. Nowadays, women have more rights and possibilities to protect themselves and their families from any negative impact on the part of their official partner. Women no longer tolerate any kind of disrespect towards themselves and their children and have all the legal tools to regulate similar issues.
As the statistics prove, in the modern world women initiate divorce with a higher frequency than men. This has nothing to do with female nature in general but is a result of social, financial, and personal factors. A modern woman is no longer a housesitter who is to carry all the family burdens including emotional issues. Plus, a woman needs support in any beginning from her husband. If she lacks some, she quits. And most importantly, a wife is confident and strong enough not to cling to her status in case of any negative impact on the part of her spouse. This all creates a picture where an average woman is ready to divorce for the sake of her happiness and comfort but not to ruin her family due to some whims as many may think.
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