It’s often the case that we want to do some modifications but get stuck because we simply aren’t allowed to do that. Have you experienced the same? Then no more worries. You can do so easily by installing the top Android emulator, Bluestacks.
Why should you opt for Bluestacks?
Among lots of options available in emulators, you should certainly opt for Bluestacks, but why? Here are the reasons:
- You can now enjoy all Android apps on your Mac or Windows devices. On bigger screens of a laptop or PC, you can relish all the gaming features otherwise you were bound to get on your Android’s small screen.
- Other emulators may bother you with a number of issues especially incompatibility with Android apps, however, if you have opted for Bluestacks then you just need to install it and rest assured. You can launch any app latest or oldest there will never be any compatibility issues you would face.
- Whenever you desire, you can navigate between your Android device & Mac/Windows as Bluestacks permits you to do that for free.
- Bluestacks provide you proper Android environment on the big screen of your laptop or PC.
So, download it today on your device and get the benefit of unlimited features.
Why is rooting necessary?
You often experience the case that you can’t just do anything as per your choice on your device, the reason is some restrictions have always been imposed by the manufacturers which bar you from performing unusual acts on it. However, if you want to cross these limits being set by device manufacturers then you can do so by rooting Bluestacks. Rooting allows you to unleash the power of your Android device and enjoy it to the fullest. Once rooting has been done, the computer device allows installing root apps & relishing each of its features. So, it’s time to do modifications in your virtual device in the way you wish to.
Important instructions you must follow before rooting:
- Firstly check your device thoroughly, if you found Bluestacks already on your PC then your very first step would be to uninstall it.
- If you worry about the removal of data that has already been saved in Bluestacks, then don’t panic. When you opt for uninstallation it will automatically take permission from you regarding the data saved. So whether you want to delete or save, you can do it easily.
- After uninstallation, download Pre-Rooted Bluestacks.
- While getting Bluestacks App Player downloaded on your device, uncheck the option, ‘Use download manager & get recommended downloads’.
- Now install it.
What is the perfect way to root Bluestacks?
Get ready to enjoy all your Android apps on PC as now you will learn the perfect way to root Bluestacks. Here is it:
- Install the universal one-click root tool, KingRoot on your PC.
- As you have downloaded Bluestacks already, now launch it on a laptop or PC, whatever device you have.
- Open Bluestacks and it will automatically locate the KingRoot APK that you have downloaded on your system.
- On the Bluestacks window, go to App Menu and tap on KingRoot. It will give you the option to install. Click on it.
- Now let the launching process finish up and after a few seconds, it will start working.
- Find the root button in KingRoot APK and tap on it to get it started. Remember your system must be connected to the internet. With a proper internet connection, KingRoot will easily launch some binary files for smooth completion of the root process.
- The process may take some time. After a few minutes, in the KIngRoot APK center, you will see the green tick mark. This means Bluestacks the Android emulator has been successfully rooted.
Now restart the Bluestacks app player and you’re done.
You can easily download and enjoy any Android app on your device now. If you still want to know whether the rooting process has been successfully completed or not, then from the Play Store you can download root checker. Run it and confirm the rooting. So it’s as easy as it looks. After rooting Bluestacks, you can modify your device freely without facing any hurdles in doing so.
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