Electronic signature has entered the realities of modern life long ago. E-signature is convenient, reliable and saves a lot of time. All electronic documents with e-signature are legally binding, and e-signature is equal to a true handwritten signature.
Electronic signature โ does your business need it?
E-signature has been recognized in many countries of the world as a legal substitute for handwritten signatures. In fact, electronic signatures have become quite common practice, and their use is fixed in the national legislation. Many companies, including those dealing with real estate, have implemented Digital Signing for a number of reasons:
- Signing contracts in electronic PDF format using electronic signatures is much faster than attesting them with a handwritten signature, when a physical contract often has to be sent by mail.
- When all the requirements are met, an electronic signature is much more secure than a handwritten signature, as it provides additional legal protection in case of violation of a contract or NDA.
- Electronic files are much easier and more convenient to store and easier to track throughout the content management cycle.
- With digital tools, electronic documents can be automatically merged into document templates and formats for even faster signatures. Also you can use free samples. For example, SOW agreement template.
- The opportunity to send and receive electronically signed documents reduces errors and the workload. This is especially relevant for smaller companies that create and process documents with limited staff.
- The ease of use of e-signature combined with its legal status makes signing electronic documentation reliable in a legal sense.
- Enabling customers to sign contracts with an electronic signature and in real time can help accelerate transactions without risk to the business.
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PandaDoc โ the best software for an electronic signature
One of the most popular platforms for electronic signature encryption is PandaDoc. This software provides an electronic signature solution that is fully compliant with federal standards all over the world.
Besides instant download of document files, software PandaDoc allows you to draw up any type of legally binding electronic documents, for example: contracts, emails, proposals, contracts.
Software PandaDoc provides secure electronic signatures for each document created.
This platform offers:
- traceable electronic signatures;
- secure encryption;
- certificates for the signature of completed documents;
- HIPAA and GDPR compliance.
- compliance with PKI conditions and electronic signature standards.
With PandaDoc software, you don’t have to worry about the legal aspect of electronic signatures. Although users still need to create a language that is fully compliant with legal regulations, PandaDoc software provides tools that allow to obtain encrypted, perfectly secure and legally compliant documents in terms of electronic signature function.
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