Many people point out that SSD is fast hosting – perfect for many businesses. But is it always worth his choosing? Or maybe there are situations where SSD is not a good hosting? To answer this question, firstly, it is necessary to indicate what SSD hosting is and what advantages it has.

What is SSD hosting?
SSD stands for “Solid State Drive”. In recent years, this hosting has been very popular. How is it different from other hostings?
To explain this, it is necessary to point out that shared hosting consists of disk space, processor, RAM, and internet connection.
The files are written to the disks so that you can read them quickly.
Most often, servers have one of two types of media:
- HDD hard drives;
SSD disks.
Hard disks write information “sequentially”. To find important information, you need to set the pommel correctly. This is tiring. SSDs, on the other hand, have “flash memory”, which means that data is not written to and read in sequence. So you don’t have to read one piece of information and then another – as in “regular” disks, but you can read a lot at once. SSD drives allow you to read and write data at a speed of over 500 MB / s during logging, which takes about 0.1 milliseconds. For this reason, SSD drives are considered to be a perfect solution today – much better than other types of disks.
However, there are some exceptions.
Is It Worth It To Choose SSD Web Hosting? Yes but…
SSDs are fast, but also much more expensive than HDDs. How does it look in practice?
A 1 TB HDD costs about $40. You have to pay much more for an SSD of the same size – even $200. For many people, this is too high a price and therefore they end up choosing the “old” HDD.
This difference can also be seen in the prices of hosting packages. Many people cannot afford such a large expense and stay with HDDs.
Another solution is to use the trial period. This way you can save on buying an SSD and see how it works “in real life”.
In many stores, hosting packages can be tested for up to 2 weeks for free. During this time, you can check how the SSD drive works and assess whether it is a good financial choice.
Technical issues?
SSD and HDD hosting differ significantly when it comes to disk capabilities. This is important for people who are wondering whether to buy an SSD drive and invest a large amount of money. Firstly, the failure rate is essential. SSD disks are much less fail-safe – the differences are big, and this is significant for people who, for example, run a business and need a good disk. The failure rate is related to the speed of the hard drives. SSD disk is about 7 times faster than HDD disk.
Another critical piece of information is the startup time:
SSD drives are ready to work after about 10 seconds, and for HDDs it takes up to about 40 seconds. The difference is significant. But..
SSDs also have disadvantages. There aren’t many of them, but they are influential. Foremost, it is a difficult file recovery in case of failure and high price – too high for many people. It is true that a few years ago SSD servers were very expensive, and now they are getting cheaper every year. But still not all modern companies can afford fast SSD hosting for their websites.
To sum up: at home, an HDD is all you require, but in a business you need an SSD. This is due to performance, although the price of an SSD is still high. For companies that do not have high income, this is a big cost. And another point: speed. In practice, the faster the page loads – the better for readers and customers. So here the choice seems obvious. But really? All the time the question of needs and finances comes back again, so everyone has to answer this question for themselves…
A famous saying goes that “there is no rose without a thorn”. SSD hosting has its downsides too, and it’s worth knowing about it. This is valuable information for people who want to change their hard drive in their home computer or are wondering what to choose for their company.
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