Comparison is one of the most widespread methods of scientific research. It is a cognitive operation underlying statements about the difference or similarity of judgments. Using the comparison, the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of objects can be easily revealed.
Comparison Method Characteristic
Compare means to contrast one thing with another to identify their relationship. When I used to do my essay, I understood that the simplest and most important type of relationship identified by comparison is the relationship between identity and difference. It should be borne in mind that comparison is meaningful only in the totality of homogeneous objects that form a class. Comparison of objects in the class is carried out according to the characteristics that are essential for this consideration. However, objects compared on one basis may be incomparable on another.
Comparison is the basis of such a logical device as analogy and serves as the starting point of the comparative-historical method. This is the method by which the general and the particular are revealed in historical and other phenomena. Cognition of different stages of development of the same phenomenon or different coexisting phenomena is achieved.
For comparison, you can use the following algorithm:
- Consider each object or phenomenon separately;
- Identify features by which they can be compared;
- Compare objects or phenomena on all grounds about one object or phenomenon;
- Determine the common;
- Identify differences.
This method of comparison makes it possible to identify and contrast the levels in the development of the studied phenomenon, the changes that have occurred. It also allows for determining the development trends.
What Is a Compare and Contrast Paper?
Compare and contrast essay writing is based on recording differences and/or similarities between ideas, events, etc. Its purpose is to compare and contrast any objects of study, conducting comparative (or contrast) analysis. The author needs to make a consistent analysis of the qualities/properties of the objects being compared.
Actually, professional college paper writers say that it is necessary to begin writing this type of essay with the definition of objects, ideas, views, which can be both related and quite controversial. So, the chosen essay topic can be within one category (My choice: Mercedes or Ford?) or different (Which books will win: electronic or paper?). If different categories are involved, objects and phenomena that just seem identical can be compared.
Two Basic Methods for Structuring an Essay Based on Comparison
The introductory part should illustrate the main criteria according to which phenomena or objects will be compared. There are two main structure options: the point-by-point method and the block method.
Point-By-Point Method
According to the point-by-point arrangement, the general structure of a paper is as follows:
- Introduction;
- Thesis;
- Studying the features of the first subject/phenomenon;
- Studying the features of the second subject/phenomenon;
- Conclusion;
- Bibliography.
Block Method
If you follow the block method, then the structure of your compare and contrast essay should be as follows:
- Introduction;
- Thesis;
- Parallel description of different and common characteristics (several characteristics should be considered, at least two) of both analyzed phenomena/objects;
- Conclusion;
- Bibliography.
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