The most popular advantage of a PDF file would probably be it’s hard to editability. This ability allows the exchange of documents under this format without any regard to the changes it may bring to the form itself because, under normal circumstances, it won’t. This is its difference with Word documents, Excel, and Powerpoint, which can be changed anytime.
Since it is hard to change or modify, people habitually change their document format into PDF once done with all the changes needed for better safekeeping. In this regard, websites that can be tasked to do these conversion jobs appear out of nowhere, each proclaiming that their service is top-notch and secured.
PDFBear Will Do it For You.
This is where the help of PDFBear can be adequately utilized. PDFBear specializes in services like Excel to PDF conversion. The website can convert the spreadsheet you wish to undo a PDF file. Since the demand for these kinds of services was rising, various techniques, promotions, and other ways were done to attract customers and long term users.
PDFBear has something that others do not. It’s free and secure despite being free. Some of you might raise your eyebrows at the mention of being secure despite being free and that is as predicted and understandable. Uploading files online means many risks for many of us, and it is the job of the website to calm you down and earn your trust through itself.
If you thought of visiting the website and doing so, you would see its huge blue toolbox for conversion, as if saying “Hi” to his new friends visiting him. It is one of the website’s advantages. Upon visiting the website, you can first see the toolbox followed by the four easy steps to understand things without further ado.
PDFBear’s Four Easy to Understand Steps for Conversion Tool
PDFBear already took the liberty to free you some time to do other chores if you are at home or any other tasks delegated to you if you are at the office. Starting from the first step up to the fourth, the entire process will only take a second up to a few minutes depending on the size of the spreadsheet you wish to process and will only take a few clicks.
Begin the process by choosing your desired Excel file from your device using the toolbox of the website. You may opt to drag the desired Excel file and drop it into the toolbox. After choosing and dragging it to the toolbox, the website will automatically go to work, and you can see as the loading bar appears about the extraction process.
Another loading bar will appear after the extraction process, which will indicate that the conversion of the Excel file up to the PDF file will now begin and might take a few minutes. Following the conversion process, after it is done, the system will generate a link that you can copy or send directly via email or messenger to others if you want.
After the conversion process, you can see choices just below your newly converted Excel file appear. These choices allow the user to send it to other devices if they would warrant it. The user can also change or edit it and transform it into a PDF or an image.
What is Good About It?
Many websites offer the same services and the same choices for users, so what is good about it? Just by visiting PDFBear’s page, you can see its advantage over others. It’s free of charge services were protected by its strict privacy policy wherein all uploaded files in its server shall be deleted automatically after an hour.
It is to reassure customers and users that the data and information they confidently entrusted to the website will not be stolen or used for other purposes elsewhere. It just shows the commitment of PDFBear in valuing the users’ trust and confidence in them to continue serving and converting documents for them.
The compatibility will also be not an issue for the users. It is one of its best advantages. You can access the website wherever you are and whatever device you’re using. It supports major operating systems, be it Windows, Mac, and Linux. The entire converting process takes place online, allowing you to convert online anytime, anywhere, as long as you have the internet.
With the website taking the entire process online, there is no need for the users to install applications or software, thus, saving the hassle it will take for such a task. It will not consume any space on your device’s memory storage aside from the PDF file you will upload soon after.
It is hard to find websites that you can trust in handling documents that might hold your information. That is why rigorous searching was done to find websites suitable for this job. PDFBear will now end the long search. With its free, fast, secure, and reliable Excel to PDF conversion service, you can have your spreadsheets into PDFs after just a few clicks.
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