Does it seem like you’re blowing through your 2020 IT budget faster than you had anticipated? Is your company now looking for ways to stretch the budget and ensure you’ve got enough to get through the remainder of the year? And perhaps it’s not just 2020 you’re concerned about, maybe you’re already thinking ahead to 2021 and had planned on keeping the IT budget the same, or even cutting it. So how will that be possible?
We’ve gone ahead and created a list of four ways that your business can make the most out of the 2020 IT budget, and then take those lessons and solutions into the following year.
Reduce the Amount of Turnover
The first tip is to do what you can as a business to reduce the amount of turnover you have where IT staff are concerned. Even if you only have one person as your “IT department”, if you are constantly having to find a replacement, go through the training stage, and suffer all that downtime, it will be hurting the company in the long-run.
Use One Full-Service IT Support Provider to Save Money
Another tip is to use one full-service IT support provider that covers off all your needs. What this means is that you don’t have to invest in all the equipment yourself, nor do you have to hire on a dedicated full IT-support department and then train them. Outsourcing your IT support needs can be a massive money saver, plus it allows the business to continue disruption-free so you don’t lose money with downtime.
You can find IT support here at Impreza, which offers IT support in Kent and surrounding areas. The company’s goal is to handle all your IT support needs, freeing up your employees to focus on other projects, and allowing the business to continue in a seamless and efficient way. It is meant to be a no-fuss, no-stress solution.
Consider Using Cheaper Hardware
While there is a lot of focus on the software a company uses, and for good reason, you may not need the latest and greatest hardware. This will, of course, depend on the industry, the specific needs of the company, and what the software needs to operate. If there is a way to use more affordable hardware, then it is well worth investigating further.
As well, you may find it is cheaper to lease the hardware instead of paying for it up-front.
Skip Past the Expensive Software and Opt for Open Source Software
Software can also be a huge investment for businesses, especially if you’re in the process of upgrading. If this is the case, try looking into open source software. By taking this route, you won’t have to worry about the initial investment price, which can be very expensive, nor will there be recurring annual maintenance or fees.
Many Other Ways to Save
This are just a few of the ways you can effectively make the most out of the remainder of your 2020 IT budget and take those lessons and apply them to next year.
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